3 Ways on How to make stir-fried beef sandwiches

3 Ways on How to make stir-fried beef sandwiches
Banh mi is a typical Vietnamese dish with extremely attractive flavor. Bread has many diverse variations to create a rich flavor for this cake. Today, Alltin will give you 3 ways on How to make stir-fried beef sandwiches. Let’s go to the kitchen and make 3 delicious and attractive beef sandwiches!

3 Ways on How to make stir-fried beef sandwiches

3 Ways on How to make stir-fried beef sandwiches

1. Grilled beef sandwich

Grilled beef sandwich
20 minutes
30 minutes
Level of difficult ( on How to make stir-fried beef sandwiches)
Ingredients for making Roast Beef Bread for 4 people
 4 pieces of bread
 Minced beef 500 gr
 Cucumber 1 piece
 1/2 carrot
 1/2 white radish
 Lemongrass 6 plants
 Garlic 8 cloves
 3 purple onions
 1 little cilantro
 Cornstarch 4 teaspoons
 Five spice 1/2 teaspoon
 Honey 2 tablespoons
 Dark soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon
 Fish sauce 2 tablespoons
 Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
 Cooking oil 5 tablespoons
 Black sauce 2 tablespoons
 Vinegar 80 ml
 Common seasoning: 1 little
(sugar/salt/ground pepper)
Ingredients for beef sandwiches

How to choose and buy fresh ingredients

How to choose fresh carrots

You should choose tubers that are moderate in size, not too large, have an elongated shape, and feel firm when held.
Fresh carrots are dark orange and bright in color, the skin is smooth, not rough, and the fresh green stem is still tightly attached to the stem and cannot be separated.
Avoid choosing tubers whose stems are wilted, the stems feel slimy and soft to the touch, and many dark spots appear on the surface.
See details: How to choose fresh carrots
How to choose fresh white radish when how to make stir-fried beef sandwiches
You should buy medium-sized white radish, tapering towards the tail. Radishes with fat ends often have a bland taste.
You should choose fresh white radish, with stems and roots intact.
Avoid white radishes whose stems are rotten, while the skin is still shiny, because these white radishes have been injected with preservatives.
Ingredients for beef sandwiches
3 Ways on How to make stir-fried beef sandwiches
Implementation tools
Grill, cutting board, knife, cups, bowls…

How to prepare Grilled Beef Banh Mi

First Prepare and marinate beef
Wash lemongrass, cut into thin slices and pound. 4 cloves of garlic and 3 purple onions, peeled and crushed.
Marinate minced beef with lemongrass, garlic and crushed purple onion along with 1/2 teaspoon of five spice, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper, 2 teaspoons of fish sauce, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of dark soy sauce, 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of cornstarch.
Mix well so the meat absorbs the spices and leave for 20 minutes. Bamboo sticks are also soaked in water for about 20 minutes.
Tip: You can add honey and cornstarch or not, depending on your family’s preferences.
Step 1 Prepare and marinate the beef Grilled beef sandwichStep 1 Prepare and marinate the beef Grilled beef sandwichStep 1 Prepare and marinate the beef Grilled beef sandwichStep 1 Prepare and marinate the beef Grilled beef sandwich
2 Prepare carrots, radishes and make pickles
Peel and wash carrots and radishes. Cut just carrots and radishes. Add 1/4 teaspoon salt, mix well.
Mix 80ml of vinegar with 80ml of water and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Add carrots and radishes mixed with salt and soak for 4-5 hours to get a sour dish to eat with bread.
Tip: If you want pickles to ferment faster, you can increase the amount of vinegar.
Step 2 Prepare carrots, radishes and make pickles Roast beef sandwichesStep 2 Prepare carrots, radishes and make pickles Roast beef sandwichesStep 2 Prepare carrots, radishes and make pickles Meatloaf grilled beefStep 2 Prepare carrots, radishes and make pickles Grilled beef sandwiches
3 Make bread sauce
First, peel and mince the remaining 4 cloves of garlic.
Put a pot on the stove and add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, add minced garlic, and saute until fragrant. When the aroma comes out, add 2 tablespoons of black bean sauce, boil gently, then add 1/2 cup of rice and water and stir well.
3 Ways on How to make stir-fried beef sandwiches
Mix 2 teaspoons of cornstarch with 3 tablespoons of water, add to the sauce pot and stir well until the sauce thickens.
Step 3 Make bread sauce Roast beef sandwichesStep 3 Make bread sauce Roast beef sandwichesStep 3 Make bread sauce Roast beef sandwichesStep 3 Make bread sauce Roast beef sandwiches
4 Skewer and grill beef
You take a sufficient amount of beef, gently shape it to form a cylinder, then use a wooden skewer in the middle of the meat.
Turn on the grill and brush a thin layer of oil. Put the meat skewers on the grill for 15 minutes. Turn both sides while grilling until the meat skewers have a fragrant aroma and the meat changes color beautifully.
Tip: To keep the meat from drying out when grilled, spread a layer of honey on the outside of the beef.
Step 4 Skewer and grill the beef Grilled beef sandwichStep 4 Skewer and grill the beef Grilled beef sandwichStep 4 Skewer and grill the beef Grilled beef sandwichStep 4 Skewer and grill the beef Grilled beef sandwich
5 Stuffed with bread
After the meat is grilled, let it cool and then remove it from the bamboo skewer. You can cut the meat in half lengthwise or not.
Cucumber cut into very thin pieces. Remove old leaves, withered leaves and roots from coriander and wash thoroughly.
Cut the bread in half, add 3 pieces of cucumber, add the meat as desired, pre-made pickles and cilantro. Finally, pour the sauce over and sandwich the bread and you can enjoy.
Step 5 Stuff the bread Roast beef sandwiches

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